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When Life Veers Outside Of Your Control


My clients Higher Self will often tell them in their hypnosis sessions to “trust” more and “let go of fear”. As humans we want things to always feel secure and within our control. We want to be 3 steps ahead of the game rather than focusing on the present moment right now. We want to have a degree of control and security in our relationships, job, finances, health and of course all the unexpected curve balls life throws you along the way. Whilst it can be sensible to plan ahead there are also times when we think far too much about the what if’s of life and the future we end up overwhelming ourselves with anxiety or depression. Ask yourself....Am I okay right now? Am I okay in this next hour? Take each day hour by hour. Constantly worrying and peeking around the corner at all the unknowns is so very draining like running a never ending marathon in your mind of the past or the future when all that really truly exists is NOW. Remember thats all that’s real, this is “being” - existing in this very present moment right now. When you live in the present moment it’s much easier for your intuition to be your guiding compass. We are not incarnated here on earth to be stagnant, we are here to learn and grow. Believe and trust in the universal organic flow and divine timing of what comes into and out of your life and know whatever unfolds is ultimately to assist us with our spiritual growth.


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Jo Woodland - QHHT Practitioner - Level 2    
Contact:  0448 745 896     Email:     Mooroolbark 3138, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia   

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