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People Pleasing & Saying Yes When You Don't Want To

Are you a ''yes'' person? A people pleaser? I know I struggle with this at times. You might find this interesting about what my client's ''higher self energy'' had to tell her about this exact same subject during her hypnosis session with me.

Jo: Another thing she wanted to ask is about how she is ‘’yes’’ person and it leaves her feeling overwhelmed sometimes when she says yes to things she doesn’t want to say yes to. What advice can you give her about that?

HS: The lesson here is standing in your own power and not giving it away. Acknowledging that your needs are just as important if not more important because the only one that can take care of your needs is you. Your happiness is your job. Listening to your heart - she doesn’t want to let anybody down but she needs to check in with her heart first and then speak her truth.

Jo: Well we can’t always keep everybody happy and sometimes spread ourselves too thin can't we?

HS: That’s right. The only person you can keep happy is yourself, you cannot keep anybody else happy – that is their own job.

Jo: We humans like to have alone time but also time with family and friends. Sometimes it is hard to find the balance between family and friends, especially when friends always want our company and time. Is it important to make time for our friends?

HS: Follow your joy and do what makes you most happy. You will find the balance but don’t do things out of obligation because you will start to resent, so you will have to speak your truth. If you really want to do something that is going to upset someone else, you need to have that discussion to speak of why it is so important to you because otherwise you will begin to resent. When there is resentment – there is no room for love and the only thing will cure or help or fix any of your relationships is love.

Jo: Sometimes we humans say yes to a lot of things when we really don’t want to just to please other people.

HS: It’s because you are not trusting your own intuition and your heart.

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Jo Woodland - QHHT Practitioner - Level 2    
Contact:  0448 745 896     Email:     Mooroolbark 3138, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia   

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